
April Fool


Kun <3
amaryllis C=

looking forward

'We usually found a miserable and unlikable person deep within us. But when we are forced to face ourselves, either we stop at where we are or we step forward is up to ourselves.'

Happy or Sad?

Today is Creative Storytelling submission,
I forgot to hand in hard copy of the ppt and my story. -_-

Although my group member were very busy,
I won't be able to finish without their help.
Despite of everything...
Thanks to Jowie & Khairee. =)
Thanks to jf I am a able to finish the aniamation. >_<

Tomorrow is submission of reflection.
Finally this module came to the end.
Looking forward the next module?





pic: http://vi.sualize.us/view/079a95d855aed9c3c282bde992a8d87c/


因为有他的帮忙我才能顺利地完成Creative storytelling的功课。>_<

星期四~星期六是TP的open house,


smile to you...

current Korean drama I fall in love with: 그대, 웃어요~
I simply love this couple.=) They are so sweet...haha.
watched Hong Gi Dong again.
It brought me more tears to watch it again.T-T It's somehow similar to Iljimae, but it's sadder because it started as a comedy story and I didn't expected the ending is ='( at all.
Anyway, I watched again becasue of JGS~
Although he didn't die in this drama, it's a very sad ending. >_<

Embark on a new journey.

The sun heat was so strong today.
It was almost unbearable when I was waiting for traffic light. It's really is a bessing just to stay at home.

It's already the third day since the New Year started, or is it? Even though I already forget the feelings of spring, (I really miss the spring breeze that used to welcome me in the starting of new year.) I am getting more and more familliar with the hot breath of summer and the light glitters on the leaves.

Able to appreciate and love.
Little by little, I hope It can became the intimate belief of mine.

I went to library with monica to get ideas from childern's story books on sat. I borrowed 2 books: Old Pig by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks and Sophie's Masterpiece by Eileen Spinelli and Jane Dyer. Both stories are sweet and meaningful.
Although most of children's stories are short & simple, they can easily touch people's heart.=)

hmm..I found my inspiration, but it's still quite hard to start my story. >_<'

Does anyone know how to stop having dreams every night? I feel like I don't have a good rest because of the weird dreams I have recently. -_-'''
And this morning when I woke up at 10am, I thought I was in a deep trouble because not only I got up late, I haven't finished any of my school work. But luckily soon I realised I mistook today as Monday. haha...>_<

pic from: http://vi.sualize.us/view/seaneill/f4ecfc0b86c5d27d852016b23bd2fe58/