
April Fool


Kun <3
amaryllis C=

Collection #2

1. Paper book marks. I rarely collect paper bookmarks unless the graphic is really nice. The first one at the left is from mom's church friend. My mom supposed should go Israel with them but couldn't due to visa issues but at least I still have some present from Israel :)

2. Random things. Sometimes I take anything that can be used for bookmarks. The bird cage is I ripped off from the cover of the moon-cake packaging & I also buy some unique hair clips use as bookmarks as well.

3. Bought from shop. I bought the bear bookmark with xl before Chirstmas eve.

4. Self made. I made this for school assignment, so I continue use it after the module end.

5. Movies & dramas. I also print out some of my fav films or drama images and use them as bookmark. It's like poster cards, but of course I can't sell them.

6. Set. I bought this at school bookshop. It's so cute. :)

7. Wire. I don't really prefer wire as it can damage the books, but I still love it for the design.

8. If I saw any unique and not commonly seen bookmarks I will also buy it.  A few weeks back I saw a interesting bookmark badge when I was shopping with may, I would definitely buy it if it's not so expensive. It's quite a waste when you can buy a book with the same amount of money.
